See here the schedule for our first block of 2022!! We will update it with the talks title and the abstracts.
As usual, talks will be streamed on Crowdcast
12th of January, 5pm CET
Jacob Bellmund: “Deforming the metric of cognitive maps distorts memory” - Doeller lab, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. Abstract | Replay
Alexander Attinger: “Distance-tuned neurons drive specialized path integration calculations in medial entorhinal cortex” - Giocomo lab, Stanford University. Abstract | Replay
26th of January, 5pm CET
Michael Reitman: “Norepinephrine links astrocytic activity to regulation of cortical state” - Poskanzer Lab, UCSF. Abstract | Replay
Katharina Merten “Astrocytes encode complex behaviorally relevant information” - Nimmerjahn Lab, Salk Institute. Abstract | Replay
9th of February, 5pm CET
Munir Gunes Kutlu: “Dissecting the role of accumbal D1 and D2 medium spiny neurons in information encoding” - Calipari Lab, Vanderbilt University. Abstract | Replay not available
Olivia Swanson: “Primary motor cortex circuitry in a mouse model of Parkinson’s Disease” - Dani Lab, University of Pennsylvania. Abstract | Replay not available
23rd of February, 5pm CET
Chaitanya Chintaluri Metabolic spikes: from rogue electrons to Parkinson’s - Vogels Lab, IST Austria. Abstract | Replay
Zahid Padamsey How does the metabolically-expensive mammalian brain adapt to food scarcity? - Rochefort lab, University of Edinburgh. Abstract | Replay